"It is all about money. Animal shelters are at the bottom of the list of priorties with most commissioners."

Here is a comment to the postTHE SHAME OF SHELTER GAS CHAMBERS/ ONE ANNONYMOUS ..."http://itsrainingcatsdogsglixman.blogspot.com/2008/03/shame-of-shelter-gas-chambers-one.html

"There is not any humane method for a healthy animal to die. You take the job and try to do your best with all that come into a county shelter. No method is good. One lets you walk away, while the other makes you hold a life in your arms. no, county commissions don't have a clue. they don't hold or push the button. They hire you to do this, and you need to cowboy up or quit. you can't be one person in a county so large and do thing right everyday. If every vet would alter just one for free once a week throughout the us, maybe this would help. It is all about money. animal shelters are at the bottom of the list of priorties with most commissioners. Preston county now has 1 1/2 people working where as before only one with many wonderful volunteers making a difference. they now have been through the injection school and hopefully all will end up better than before. I know the old shelter director. She did too much and tried too hard, is what she was told. So she quit.

What this poster wrote is something for EVERYONE to think about. Killing Healthy animals is a VERY REPREHENSIBLE method of animal control. What gives people the right to kill a life when the animal wants to live? Lack of space or funds just doesn't do it for me. This is another creature's life and we take it away. We take millions of lives away because we are too ignorant or self centered to understand the enormous "immorality" of our actions and our thinking is so aberatted that we cannot understand the idea that there are ways to immediately alter this trend of pet overpopulation. I am talking to the people who take no responsibility to be part of the change, the people who support euthanasia and are not doing anything to educate the public and create laws that will not condone people dumping animals at the pound as an easy fix to their own moral weakness. Moral weakness may not be the right term. I do think that no one has the right except in self defense ( survival) to take another life. Call this a moral evaluation or judgement, call it whatever you want.This is my belief. It seems that in the history of the human race killing another is sometimes considered okay if the person violated the moral code of a culture, society or religion. I don't agree with this. But if you justify the killing of people on the grounds of moral violation on what grounds can you justify the killing of healthy animals who wag their tails and purr as they are being placed int a gas chamber or dragged or carried to the kill room at the shelter? There is no moral code these animals violated. Who has violated a moral code? The human being has. This is not the place to discuss the treatment of animals in terms of religious views and not all people hold religious beliefs but I do think most people deep in their hearts( regardless of faith in a higher power of not) have some belief that life is a mystery that they are grateful for ( I exclude the troubled people who experience no relief from their minds or physical pain). This is a complex issue if you try to unravel it with reason as many people do who also do not see animals as mattering in the scheme of things. But for me the greatest part of being a human being is the capacity of the human heart to empathize, to feel, to care for ourselves and others whether two footed or four. I was raised to believe all life has value.

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