October 5, 2009 BC Mix , Rottie Mix and Others VERY Urgent High Kill Ky Shelter

"If you can help any...............Please cross post this dog...URGENT!!!! Border Collie mix?http://www.petfinder.com/petnote/displaypet.cgi?petid=14802349This dog was brought in as a stray from an area that is known to be adumping ground...He is very nice and in desperate need of getting out ofhere...Please help him. We also have TOO MANY large dogs and all are indanger right now.....please help if possible.URGENT! These boys are at Daviess County Animal Control, a high-killshelter. If you can help, please do whatever you can. We are located inOwensboro KY and our phone number is (270)685-8275
This one is the mix....http://www.petfinder.com/petnote/displaypet.cgi?petid=14758835
This is the one that I feel is a pure-bred Rot.

CONTACT:Marisa Blades, CoordinatorDaviess County Animal Control270-685-8275"

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