9/24/12 Owner's Boyfriend Allergic to Cat. Cat IS IN KILL SHELTER AND IS URGENT. If this cat doesn't live it is a senseless murder of an innocent cat. Can't the system DO BETTER? WHY isn't the Owner Responsible to Find Her Pet of Nine Years a Home? Why?


"Boo ★ CRITICAL Available NOW
Female DSH ~ 20#, 9 years old

Owner Surrender due to fiancé allergic to cats. Due to size, may need grooming assistance, diet. Obviously should be k ept inside. Unknown if fixed or not.   Perfect lap cat loves to be loved on and loves to give "



Nash County Animal Shelter
921 North First St. Extension (Red Oak Hwy)
Nashville, NC 27856

Phone: (252) 459-9855
Email: AnimalShelter@nashcountync.gov 

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