It seems like Ohio is getting hit pretty hard in this economy. Lots of people are loosing their homes and so are lots of dogs.
Pet ID: 953
Sparky is 2 yrs old. He gets along with other animals and children. He was an inside dog, but has been outside for the past couple months. He was an owner surrender due to the family losing their home.Pet ID: 952
Whiskey is a 3 yr old neut male. He does not like cats. He gets along with other dogs and children. He was housetrained but has been outside for the past 3 months. He is at the shelter due to his family losing their home. Please come look at him.- Coshocton County Animal Shelter
- coshocton, oh
- (740) 622-9741
If you are unable to adopt a pet please consider sponsoring a shelter dog or cat.For more information you can call the shelter (740) 622-9741 Ask for Tammy or Chris.
Coshocton County Animal Shelter
21755 Township Rd. 164
Morgan Run Road
Coshocton, OH 43812
Phone: (740)622-9741 (Shelter phone)
When calling the shelter please be sure to speak with Tammy Hopper or Chris Sturtz
Email:Tammy Hopper:,
Hours are 9-4 weekdays and 9-1 Sat. Unless other arrangments are made.
I really feel bad for Sparky and Whiskey,I wish I can do something for those poor fellows.
I know how you feel. If you can't adopt or rescue and you are able, I am sure donations of money ( no matter how small) to the shelter will help perhaps keep these dogs safe until they can be rescued or adopted. You might contact the shelter and see if a donation would help them. You can also forward this post about them to rescues in Ohio. Just google beagle rescues or chow rescues or dogs rescues and send the info to the group's email and finally, if you are a person who prays, you can pray for Sparky and Whiskey and all these dogs and cats to find homes.
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