Time Sensitive E-Mail May 11 Deadline

"The agent who led the Michael Vick investigation deserves recognition by his agency.

Please write to Secretary of Agriculture Ed Schafer and request that he nominate Special Agent Jim Knorr for this honor.

Below is the email I sent - you need not be long-winded - just a couple of sentences will do.

I would like him to come to work on Monday morning and have 1000 emails waiting for him. Please forward this email widely.

Contact Mr. Schafer at: AgSec@usda.gov

My email to Mr. Schafer:

Mr. Schafer

Please nominate Special Agent Jim Knorr for the IACP Police Officer of the year for his work on the Michael Vick case. Without his determination, drive, and dedication, this case likely would have had a very different outcome. The deadline for submission is June 2, 2008. Thank you.

I would also like to speak with you about how we, as citizens, can help your Department get more funding to combat dog fighting and other animal cruelty. As concerned citizens who work to help animals, we want to help.

If his email box gets full, please call him at (202) 720-3631.

Patti Stinson
Volunteer, www.aforeverhome.org
Founder (inactive), 4 Paws Rescue Team

I no longer use language that accepts the current concept of animals as property, commodities and/or things. Rather than refer to myself and others as 'owners' of animals, I now refer to myself and others as 'guardians' of our animal companions and to animals as 'he' or 'she' rather than 'it'. I urge you to do the same."

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