4/16/10 " full of puppies. We will probably have to put some down either Friday or Monday, so if any of you know of rescues looking for puppies, please advise them check out our website, www.pcanimalshelter.com ." Somerset, KY

Somerset KY: Puppies, Puppies & More PUPPIES!

To adopt or provide rescue contact:  misty@pcanimalshelter.com

  To adopt or provide rescue contact:  misty@pcanimalshelter.com
> Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 14:28:15 -0400
> Subject: Puppies
> From: misty@pcanimalshelter.com
> Well ladies, we are once again full of puppies. We will probably have to
> put some down either Friday or Monday, so if any of you know of rescues
> looking for puppies, please advise them check out our website,
> www.pcanimalshelter.com to take a look at what puppies we have available.
> There are some pretty cute ones right now. I know a lot of rescues are
> getting full right now, but if you know of any that are not please let
> them know that we really need to get some puppies moved. I am attaching
> pictures that I have right now.
> Misty 

Pulaski County Animal Shelter
235 Adopt Me Ln
Somerset, KY 42503
Ph. 606-679-6432

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