January 24 , 2009 Michigan Animals taken from Shelters Sold To Research & Who Decides To Continue This Animal Cruelty

What has happened to human beings that they can inflict this kind of cruelty on helpless animals? I argue that treating those who can't speak or who are weaker than you in a cruel manner for any kind of gain is immoral and criminal. This is what happens in society whether it is animals, children, the elderly, the less educated. The only way to stop these "criminals" even though the law allows it is to expose what they are doing and support groups who want to change the laws Imagine you bring your dog to a shelter. The dog is given to an animal researcher who breaks its legs, infects it with an aids virus. This was your pet. This is a feeling animal who can get depressed and frightened. I ask again what has happened to the human heart? There is no rational reason for these kind of cruelty. NONE. Does the dog cry, whimper, stick its tail between its legs? Does it howl? What would the cat or dog tell its torturer? Barack Obama said this country does not torture war criminals. We have ideals to live up to. I guess animal abuse of United States Pets is allowed in all its varied disguises because breaking legs and inflicting pain on helpless animals who just happened to be dumped at one of the disgusting shelters who let the animals be given to research because the researchers can kill the animals and dispose of their bodies in a more cost effective way is just hunky dory with people.

"What Types of Research Use Companion Animals?

Class B Dealers sell dogs and cats to a variety of research institutions, including hospitals, private companies that manufacturer medical devices, and universities. Generally, these animals are used in short term research projects. For example, cats taken from a shelter in Tennessee were used in research on AIDS and methamphetamine addiction. Basically, cats were injected with the feline equivalent of HIV and then fed methamphetamine so researchers could see what the brain of a meth addict with AIDS looked like. Greyhounds, fraudulently taken by a Class B Dealer and sold to a private corporation, were used in heart research. They spent hours on treadmills after mechanical devices were implanted in their chests.

Dog labs are run by teaching veterinary universities, although they are becoming less common. Companion animals are used to teach surgical techniques to veterinary students. Sometimes the dog is purposely injured so the students can watch the techniques to repair the injury. Most dog labs kill the dog at the end of the school year or during surgery. Proponents of dog labs claim that this is the best method to teach surgery to veterinary students. Opponents question why animals are harmed and killed in order to teach students who are supposed to be compassionate professionals. Also, computer models and assisting in surgeries provide adequate learning opportunities for students without purposefully harming or killing animals. "

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