Below is an update on dogs left at the facility. The ones no longer there have either been pulled by the no-kill shelter or have been adopted and there are more who came in after our group was there to take pictures and interact. PLEASE READ ON!
This is a very hard e-mail to write and I had hoped that I would not have to write it. We have been rescuing under another rescues license for some time now. This runs out for us June 1 - Monday! Yes, this is our last week of rescue for now. Most of you know that our group is tiny and has been the only group in Liberty County to tend to the animals there. Months ago I applied for our EIN# and got it. I then got on the register of non-profit organizations in the State of GA and finally applied for our 501(c)3 status. I received an official notification from the IRS with a Document Locator Number that our 501(c)3 is in process. Of course most of us know that it may be a while before we receive our official status. I received help with all of this from an angel who I am forever grateful for...
Now to the problem... We have also been trying for months to get the DOA to come out to meet and give us our own license. I know this sounds crazy to some of you, but we cannot seem to get through to them. We ahve been blatantly ignored time and time again. The Director of Animal Control even called Tommy Irvin to complain and nothing has changed. We are devastated because in the wake of loosing rights to pull, the very facility we pull from is severely overcrowded right now and euthanasia is iminent. Yesterday, I was asked which dogs to let go first. How can anyone be expected to make that decision?! It was with a very heavy heart that I chose those who had been there the longest, or who had obvious health problems. Milo is one of those dogs. All of us are completely heart broken and feel so very helpless, but Milo is older, possibly HW+ and has a bad hip - though he seems to live with it quite nicely. Chica is another... I feel awful to use the very past that she did not ask to have as an excuse to have her put down. Yet, homes for her are limited to say the least, do to her breed AND her past. I hope that if she must die she will finally find peace... Karma was one of those dogs, but we were so very blessed to find an adopter for her and help raise some funds to get her to Cedar Animal Hospital in Richmond Hill, GA. We were told she has tumors, which caused the problems she was experiencing, but Dr. Kyle will take excellent care of her no doubt. Mojo is also on the list. Though he is completely UTD on his shots and already neutered nobody wants to deal with the fact that he is HW+. And of course there will be others as more dogs enter the facility and they have at an alarming rate.
I have told you all of this to let you know that this week is our last chance to save these animals. There will not be a next week unless God grants us a miracle and he has been known to do so, but he could have a different plan at this time. PLEASE help us save at least the ones we have come to know and love. It will be emotionally devastating as it is to know we can't return for some time.
EUTHANASIA DATE: Thursday, May 28th, 2009, 8 am
(OR ANY DAY, depending on intake.)
If you would like to adopt one of the animals below, please contact
Petra at
I have personally interacted with each one of these dogs. My descriptions are straight forward! My conscience would not allow me to hold anything back, and I would never give false information to save an animal, because it would only result in it being returned. You will never find vicious/dangerous animals on my listings! Usually, little or none is known about these dogs' medical history. We do know that a majority of them were abandoned by military, which means they are most likely up-to-date on their shots, heartworm negative, and generally healthy; however, we cannot guarantee that, which is why each dog must receive prompt veterinary care after adoption/rescue takes place.
Spaying or neutering by 6 months of age is a MUST!!! Unless the dogs go to a rescue or out of state adopters must purchase a spay/neuter voucher from us. You can get more detailed information and pricing by visiting SNAC (Spay/Neuter Alliance Clinic) at or by calling 843-645-2500.
Your help with adopting, rescuing, or fostering these dogs is immensely appreciated, as is your help with cross posting to others who may be able to help save a life.
Gordon, Golden mix (2 years old):
Gordon was dropped off by a soldier who said he found him running stray. Funny thing is that Gordon looked like he had just stepped out of his familie's home - squeaky clean with a fluffy coat! Many times you can tell when families' drop their dogs off at Animal Control and tell officers that the animal is a stray. The dogs feels all too comfortable around this aleged stranger who says he'd only met the dog mere minutes ago and when that "stranger" leaves the dog seems confused and upset. It is a sad but very common reality and it what we believe happened to Gordon. There is no doubt that Gordon was a family pet all his life. He is very comfortable around children and knows they like to play chase. He is very well socialized with other dogs and humans of all sizes and walks of life. His coat is gorgeous and he looks unusual. It appears that he is mixed with Golden Retriever and another medium sized breed dog. He weighs approximately 38 pounds and seems to be around 2 years old. He could very well be house broken. Can you take him out of this dark place and this time have him be part of a FOREVER family?
Video: (Sorry, I referred to him as a she in the video.)

Muffy, Chow Chow (4 years old):
This sweet little boy appears to be a pure-bred Chow. His very thick Chow coast is very matted around his legs but ONE trip to the groomer and this baby will be absolutely stunning. The red coloring stands out from the rest and his face looks like that of a Teddy Bear come to life. His dark eyes will melt any onlooker's heart. He is sharing his cell with another dog and was interacted with several others. Muffy is well socialized but is shy. He is not used to having a leash around his neck but at the same time he does not fight it. He weighs around 38 pounds and is medium in size. He appears to be around 4 years old. He has a pleading look about him. Can you take this little beauty under your wings and show him what happiness is?
Video: (Sorry, I referred to him as a she in the video.)

Timmy, Black Labrador (4-5 months old):
I was there when the kennel tech brought little Timmy into the back. He looked so frightened that he reminded me to a little child looking for his parents. He was placed in a cell all by himself and looked so very lost when I approached. I went inside and it immediately became aware that he thought I was going to hit him, which just made my heart ache. How could anyone hit such a small animal, any animal really. I did not make him come out into the field but I sat with him a while and softly spoke to him. Slowly he inched closer and eventually he laid his head into my lap - though ready to run. I decided to put another little dog his size into his cell with him and I believe that made him a little more comfortable. Timmy is obviously a Black Labrador Retriever or mix with the most precious markings. The white on his paws makes him look as if he is wearing little footsies. His coat is short and very soft. He is only around 4-5 months old and came in with a collar that is fitting too tight. I worry about him more than most of the dogs there because it truly seems that he has a wounded spirit. Can you repair his soul by showing him that not all humans are bad and that he can have a family that he can trust for the rest of his life?

Dino, Border Collie mix (6-7 months old):
Dino was found at the Hinesville Walmart with a much larger Black Labrador Retriever. It is clear that these dogs belonged to the same family and were abandoned at Walmart because their previous family may have thought that someone would take them in. Little did they know, or care, that they would both end up on death row and that their color will make is even harder for them to make it out alive. Both dogs are not used to being locked up. They both cry pitifully in their dark cell and it truly makes your heart ache to see them and hear them an not be able to help them immediately. Dino is such a beautiful little boy. He is half black and half white and it looks like
he may have a little bit of Border Collie mixed in. He is around 6-7 months old and is a complete lover. He is wonderful with everyone and is very huggable, which makes it even harder to shot the cell door on him once it's time to move on to the next cage. Please help this little boy find love again. He deserves a forever family.

Jake, Black Labrador mix (1 ½ years old):
Jake was found at the Hinesville Walmart with a Border Collie mix puppy. It is clear that these dogs belonged to the same family and were abandoned at Walmart because their previous family may have thought that someone would take them in. Little did they know, or care, that they would both end up on death row and that their color will make is even harder for them to make it out alive. Both dogs are not used to being locked up. They both cry pitifully in their dark cell and it truly makes your heart ache to see them and hear them an not be able to help them immediately. Jake is a gorgeous Black Labrador Retriever mix, approximately 1 1/2 years old. He is such a lover that he's hard to be ignored. He loves to play, too and seems to thoroughly enjoy kids, especially teenagers. He watches over his little buddy he came in with, which is a sight to behold. The cell he and his little buddy are in is much too small for the two of them but they share everything they have right now, which isn't much. Please save this handsome boys life. He deserves it so much.

Brody, Viszla mix (2 years old):
Brody is a stunning dog and actually had an adopter last weekend. They fell in love with the whole package, his handsome looks, gorgeous eyes, playful energy and great temperament around other dogs. Unfortunately, they found out after the fact that their landlord does not allow them to have an inside dog and they left with a heavy heart. My heart was heavy as well because it was clear that Brody would have been a good match for them and they for him under other circumstances. But no dog should be made to stay outside all the time. Brody, like all other dogs, wants to be inside with his Pack - his family. Brody appears to be mixed with Viszla, a beautiful Hungarian breed with bright, alert eyes and light colored noses. Anyone who likes large breeds would love to call this dog their own. He appears to be very young - no more than 2 years of age. His coat has an unusual color, too. Please come by and meet him and be blown away by his good looks and his charms.

Georgia, Gordon Setter mix (4 months old):
Georgia is a little lady with the famous southern charm. You meet her and are knocked out of your socks by her sweet innocent demeanor. She looks very unusual and I honestly don't have an idea what all she could be mixed with. Animal Control listed her as a Gordon Setter mix. Georgia's coat is fuzzy and medium in length, which is why she appears wetter in the pictures than the other dogs I photographed that day - it was raining on and off. She has brindle markings at the bottom of her legs making it look almost like she's wearing little brown boots. She is very social and loves everyone. She is curious and adventurous and she can flirt with the best of them. She is only around 4 months old and will no doubt grow into a very stunning dog IF given the chance to live. Can you save her life and watch her grow from a tiny bud into a beautiful flower?
Video: (toward the second half)
Chica, PBT/Boxer mix (2-3 years old):
There are stories I wished I wouldn't have to tell but unfortunately they must be told as they do happen. This story is about Chica, a gorgeous PBT/Boxer mix with markings you don't see too often. Chica is much safer on death row than she has ever been in her life. The place she came from was one of torture, abuse, and pain. Her former owner used her as bait. He filed down her fangs and broke off her top and bottom row of teeth. I can't imagine the pain... Can you? Though she fears that every pat on her head was meant to be a hit she wants nothing more than to be loved for once in her life. Look at the video and you will know what I mean. You may think that she is better off dead but you are wrong. All of us saw that she has much potential and could lead a very normal and loving life IF given that chance by someone who would vow to love her. She is sharing her cell with another female but cannot be around male dogs. We assume she was raped time and time again and can therefore not be trusted around male dogs who she's had nothing but terrible experiences with. The person who would want to save Chica would have to agree to thorough home visits for some time to make sure that she would never end up in a situation like that again. Chica is around 2-3 years old and needs us now.
Willy and Buster, Black Labradors (4 months old):
These boys did not come in together and can be adopted separately or together. I put them together because they look like brother and they act like it, too. They love to play-fight and they will until they fall over from exhaustion. They have energy abound and would be so wonderful for a family with young kids. Both have very healthy looking coats and appear to be around 4 months old. They seem carefree and have no idea of the danger they are in. It always kills me to see puppies on death row. Their life has yet to begun and is already in danger of being over. Have a look at their faces and tell me that you don't feel an ache inside knowing that they could be dead in a matter of days. If you can save just one of them you would be a hero.
Rusty, Rhodesian mix (1-2 years old): (My daughter’s champion this week.)
I remember getting Rusty's picture from the kennel tech during the week when she sent the update of new dogs that had come in. She said "You'd better be careful with that one, he's mean." Naturally, I was very cautious when I met him that weekend. I was a little scared to go into his cell even though he didn't display any aggressive behaviour like biting at the cell gate or growling. He did quite a bit of barking with wide open eyes but that was it. I decided to carefully pat him on the head through the gate and talk to him. Well, it did not take long for the barker to turn into a beggar. Rusty had no problem showing me which spot he likes scratched the most and that would be his lower back and tail bone. LOL I decided to take him out and that's when I realized that what appeared to be aggression to the kennel tech was simply fear of the unknown and being locked up. Who can blame him? I would not like it either and may act tough to strangers out of fear of getting hurt. We brought another dog out to play with Rusty and he seemed to have the time of his life. Rusty turned out to be a great dog besides being a very handsome dog. His coat is deep red and I believe he may be mixed with Rhodesian Ridgeback though he is not very large. Rusty is very young, no more than 2 years old. Please don't let him become a county statistic and safe him before it's too late.

Barry, Flat Coated Retriever mix (5 years old):
When I met Barry for the first time he sat in a corner of his cell with his head hanging down. You did not have to be an expert to see that he was depressed. He was sharing his cell with 2 other dogs and one much younger dog steadily barked at him but Barry just wanted to be left alone. I felt so bad for him that I moved him to his own cell with his own Kuranda bed and a blanket on it. He seemed so grateful that I got that heavy, heavy feeling on my heart. He looks like a Flat Coated Retriever mix and a little older already - maybe around 5 years. He is a massive dog with huge paws and a very gentle soul no doubt. He came in with a nice collar on and was obviously someone's pet. I am floored by the dogs I see at Animal Control time and time again. How can anyone THROW AWAY a wonderful pet like Barry??!! I imagine he is probably house broken but of course I can't promise that. He is very calm and his big brown eyes beg for another chance. Can you be his ONE chance?

Puppies, Labrador Retriever mixes (6 weeks old): (Only the 2 black ones are left.)
These little babies all came from one litter and appear to be little Labrador mixes. They are so tiny that it's hard not to Ooh and Awe over them. The little runt is no bigger than a Guiney pig but much more cuddly. When you hold them they get very quiet like they try to take in the physical contact and the warmth that comes with it. Their bellies were huge so we started them on wormer already. They are no more than 6 weeks old and the fact that they are in a kill facility is a tragedy. I can't imagine the needle of death piercing their tiny bodies and making the squirm in pain... Please, please don't let this happen to them. They are babies for God sake. Isn't there someone out there who can save their life?
Marco, Chocolate Lab/St. Bernard mix (3 years old): (Marco’s neuter is paid for!!!)
Marco is a gorgeous Chocolate Lab mix with a wonderful temperament and handsome coat. He has been at Animal Control before and was adopted and then dumped again. His adopters did not even have the decency to satisfy the neuter agreement the signed; however, they paid for the neuter when they adopted him. All his new adopter has to do is schedule an appointment for him and get it done. Marco is about 3 years old and is good with other dogs. He looks very confused right now. I am sure he is wondering what he did wrong to come to this awful place twice. It makes me miserable for him and if I could take him home I sure would. I love his face; it looks unusual because his eyes are a pretty sage green, which looks nice with the reddish/brown coat he sports. His next adopter must be one who will truly love Marco and will keep him forever. No dog should have to end up at a kill facility but to end up there twice is just devastating.
Maddie, Beagle mix (7 years old):
This precious little girl shares her sad abode with another dog. As long as Maddie has company she seems to do okay but when you take her "room mate" away and leave her all alone in her cell she looks frightened and very, very sad. She has the small body and beautiful lined eyes of a Beagle and is just a precious sight. Her coat is different shades of tan which gives her an unusual look. Maddie appears to be a senior girl, about 7 years old and you can tell that she has had at least a litter of puppies before. She loves being stroked and cuddled but is a little on the shy side. Of course this is a scary place for such a little girl. Can you bring her home and make her feel safe again?
Oreo, Staffie/Border Collie mix (6-7 months): (Oreo’s spay and HW test are sponsored!!!)
Oreo is a little Staffie/Border Collie mix of only 6-7 months. She is a huge lover of people and does just as great around other dogs. New situations scare her but ultimately she just wants to please everyone and everything. Her coat is very short and therefore low maintenance. Her nose is very long and almost has a Pointer look to it. If you give her just a little attention she clings to you for more, which is heartbreaking in itself. Oreo would be a wonderful couch companion on cold nights and would probably love the beach during the summer. She will gladly lie on your feet to show you how much she adores you if you show her affection as well. She's got puppy energy and someone who plans on spending a lot of time with his dog might even be able to teach her how to catch a frisbee. Oreo has so much potential; she just needs a patient and kind soul to show her that her life can be wonderful.
Karma, Chocolate Lab – SPECIAL NEEDS!!!:
Karma came to Animal Control during adoption hours on Saturday. Immediately everyone fell in love with her. She was a recent mom and her teats were full of milk with no puppies to feed. I showed her some little puppies we had in the back but she seemed uncomfortable around them and I did not want to force anything on her. Unfortunately, she was so engorged that it was causing her a lot of pain. One of the animal control officers tranquilized her and squeezed the milk from her breasts. She had to cut one of the teats because Karma had started ripping away at it and shredding it. Then she was put on some strong pain medicine and an IV. Karma has had it very hard I guess. When she came in we all looked at her poor battered and emaciated body and had to hold back the tears. She came to all of us for pats on the head and her face has such a friendly and docile look to it that you can't help but love her from the start. I look at her and see the potential she could have if someone was to come forward and save her. No doubt would her family grow to love her very quickly. It is beyond me how she ended up on the streets to begin with. Are you a Chocolate Labrador lover and have just been waiting to become a hero? Here's your chance of a life time!
Porsche, Weimaraner mix (2 years old):
Porsche is without a doubt my sweetheart this week. The poor baby had trauma to her front leg which must have broken her bone. It has healed but crooked and not straight; therefore, she walks and runs holding up her paw now. She is not in pain but the leg just doesn't work right anymore. Even though she has this handicap Porsche is absolutely beautiful from her head to the tip of her tail and this beauty is not only skin deep. She has the most loving personality you will see in a dog. She has a charm about her that will take your breath away and when she looks at you she captures your attention and your heart. She appears to be around 2 years old and looks like a Weimaraner just with a satiny, liver colored coat rather than a blue/grey coat and a slender and lean built with gorgeous features. She loves to play with other dogs but her focus is on humans when given the choice. She enjoys being as near to you as she can be, which is why it is hard to leave her behind when play time is over. Please give this girl a second look. She is more than worthy of a family who adores and loves her forever.
MILO, the Labrador/Shepherd mix (4 years old) (LAST CALL…)
So I found out more information on Milo and I hate that this is coming after my initial mailing; however, it needs to be told and people who second guess it can call Liberty County Animal Control to confirm it because I don't want anyone thinking that I made this up to get him rescued or to raise funds. I work full-time and never get to meet the dogs until the weekend and then I often don't get to speak to the officer who brought in a dog. This time the kennel tech did not even know until after the fact that Milo's story was much worse than we initially thought. See, there IS family in Hinesville who could have taken Milo after his original owner died. In fact, they are the ones who alerted Animal Control that the old man died and left animals behind that needed to be picked up from the property. When animal control officers arrived on the property way out in the country they found a back yard with hogs, chicken and other farm animals, all living in total filth. They found a Chow mix who was kept in a RABBIT HUTCH. He was totally unsocialized and had to be killed immediately. They said that it seems he had never been out of that hutch and he was malnourished and living in his own excrement. They found Milo tied to the bumper of a rusty old truck in the woods on that property. A week after they picked up Milo they were told that there had been a third dog. When they went back that third dog had died. When I first looked at Milo I thought that he had the look of a dog that should be much larger but here he only weighs about 40 pounds. I believe his growth was stunned due to being tied up all the time and not being fed regularly. Honestly, it is beyond us that he is no aggressive and is so nice with the other dogs. He is housed with a senior Black Lab mix and a red Heinz 57 right now and all of them get along splendidly. The kennel tech tells me that he is actually HAPPY at Animal Control! Can you imagine how sad a dogs life must have been for that dog to be HAPPY at a high-kill facility???!!! Of course it's because we all love Milo - even before we knew how bad his life had been we loved him. We give him as much attention as we can and he is growing on us more and more. It makes things even harder because even though we have been told that we can keep him there a little longer, as we refer to him as our "special case," the fact that his hip is hurt is not helping matters none. We had him at the vet last week to get his leg looked at and found out that it actually is his hip. We would love to get an X-Ray done to know more but truly don't have the funds. And what if he needs surgery, we surely don't have the funds for that either. There is a wonderful foster home for him in Pennsylvania but they don't have the funds for more than regular vetting and neuter. Can anyone please help us get this boy out of there?
Here is the original posting once more and there's video of him playing with Herbie and Rover, too:
Milo is a heartbreaker for sure. He was not a stray dog nor was he dropped off by strangers who claimed to have found him. Milo’s owner died. He was old and died and left Milo behind with no family to care for him. So now Milo is forced to stay in a cell in a high-kill animal control facility and wait for his own death day to come. To make matters worth Milo hurt one of his hind legs; it appears to be a slipped knee. He runs with it and lies down on it but it is clear to see that it is causing him discomfort. My brain is telling me that Milo may not make it out of here under the circumstances, but my heart is telling me that God can’t let this be the end for him. He is such a loving and sweet dog. He enjoys and even seeks out the company of other dogs and is very gentle. He is a skinny little thing and when you meet him you can’t help but love him. A family actually looked at him this past weekend but they were so concerned about his leg that they felt they may not be able to take on the responsibility of vetting him. Please, here is a beautiful soul that just wants to be given a chance. Please, please give Milo the chance he so desperately needs.
Mojo, the Yellow Labrador mix (2 years) NEUTERED and UTD on shots! (LAST CALL…)
Mojo’s life started out fine but had a turn for the worse when a set of heartworm tests accidentally got switched. The no-kill shelter is located next door to Animal Control and they pull the animals from there. They heartworm test and if they test positive they return the dog because they can’t afford to pay for treatment. They picked Mojo and Rover and returned Rover, letting us know that Rover is positive. They had Mojo neutered and brought up to date on shots. In the meantime, our kennel tech decided to retest Rover because she had a gut feeling that he was not positive, as there was no coughing or exhaustion. When Rover’s test came back negative she alerted the no-kill shelter staff who retested Mojo and unfortunately his came back positive, which made it clear that the tests must have accidentally been switched. PLEASE don’t let the heartworm results be a death sentence for this boy. There MUST be a reason why this happened. Mojo is a beautiful dog with a great temperament and lot’s of energy. Just think of it like this, yes, you have to pay for heartworm treatment, but you don’t have to pay for the shots and neuter anymore, as all of that has already been done. If you are in the Hinesville area I can even help you get the treatment at a reduced cost. PLEASE contact us to save Mojo!
Sasha (Smiley Girl) and Sassy (10 weeks old)
The pictures below were sent to me by Sasha’s and Sassy’s foster mommy. It is so nice to see them clean and in a home where they are being taken care of and loved. They both will need a forever home soon so their foster mommy can help others in need. Unfortunately, Sasha’s and Sassy’s brother and sister were not so lucky. Their lifeless bodies lie buried in a freezer now… Please, please help these babies and love them. You will notice that they came in with Mange, which they are currently being treated for and healing nicely. They have also received their first and second set of shots.