1/31/16 The Number of Dogs and Their Stories on the New York City Animal Control List Got to Me. Please Check Out the Deathrow Dogs at NYC AC and if You Can,Rescue, Sponsor, Foster and Adopt. Also Check Out the Links To Dogs and Cats in Other States They Are in Need

Must Love Dogs FB- CHECK  DAILY

  New Older dog at Staten Island shelter - Owner Surrendered


I've been posting dogs and cats in need for a while but there is something about the NYC kill list that just got to me. The stories of the dogs, the absolute unfairness of the evaluation and judgment process to who is on the kill list is so distressing, I need a break.

These dogs really got to me. This one clinging to people wanting love on the euth list. What kind of system kills a dog who wants to love and be loved by humans. I read on a post she has pneumonia now.  

 Update!!!! Avon was Rescued!!!!!!

 Lets hope there are many more last minute rescues!
And the ones that were killed. Honestly rescuers  and the volunteers at shelters who love the dogs are amazing people dealing with all this sadness daily. The animals keep pouring in. Well it is NYC, lots of people there and there are happy stories but who can focus on that when there are sweet and wonderful and maybe misunderstood dogs who never had any kindness shown to them in life and are killed.


KILLED BY NYC AC- "Deteriorating behind bars."

What does that mean? Instead of making shelters better places where animal are given true shelter  and don't go bonkers or get ill and then are killed or  holding irresponsible owners accountable, what happens? A dog who  actually is responding to confinement or past abuse by falling apart could be a sensitive dog who does not belong in a noisy shelter. With some consistent love from a person who deserved this dog's love and loyalty, and training who know what this dog could have been.

Rest in peace.  Maybe what happens to dogs like you will help other dogs in the future. Open admissions animal shelters have got to change some of their policies.  They are not true shelters. Of course it always boils down to money and politics. What kind of love did this dog know from his family and the shelter? It is human ignorance that killed this dog. Even more than the system. 

1/31/16 I Don't Understand. Is New York City Animal Control Heartless, Incompetent or Overwhelmed? Perfectly Wonderful Dogs Get the Dreaded Kennel Cough and are on the Euth List. Have They Medically Treated These Dogs?.What is a Dog's Life Worth to Those Who Make Life and Death Decisions at Animal Control? Look at the Dogs on Today's Kill List. See Some Videos on Link Page. How about the Dog Whose Owner Died, A Perfect Dog Who Is Grieving. Ocean the Pit is on Today's Euth List. Maybe There is A Method to This Maddness. I Only Crosspost Dogs and Cats in Need. I Don't Know How These Decisions are Made. Please Check Out the Kill List and If You Can Rescue, Adopt, Pledge or Foster. Please Contact The Rescues and the Shelter.Better Still Go to the Shelters and Save a Life. Ocean is Such a Good Dog and Even in His Loss According to a Volunteer Testimony He is Sweet Loving Dog. At Animal Control Even Sweet Wonderful Dogs Don't Have A Chance. Please Stop the Killing. The are Many Pit and Pit Mixes In Need. Also Other Dogs All Sizes and Breeds. Many Owner Surrendered Due to Hard Times and Landlord Issues or Owner Illness. Make Plans for Your Pets Incase You Can't Care For Them. These Deathrow Dogs in NYC Could Be Your Pet.

Must Love Dogs- SavingNYC Death Row Dogs


1/30/16 Owner Dies "2 years old, American Pit Bull Terrier mix, tan/white "NYC Shelter and is on Tomorrow's Kill List. Why?

 Why is this dog on  a euth list? All info from link at bottom of post.

"**** TO BE KILLED - 1/31/2016 ****


OWNER PASSED AWAY! cry emoticon...
Snuggly hunk with a wonderful energy heart emoticon

OCEAN - A1063379@Manhattan ACC
2 years old, 68 lbs
APBT mix, tan/white unaltered MALE
Intake Date 1/21/2016 - DueOut Date 1/21/2016
Medical Behavior Evaluation GREEN"
"His owner passed away so he was brought to our care and while he looks worried and serious, and has every reason to be, he’s friendly, snuggly and playful. Even during the intake process he had a “soft, wiggly body”. Gorgeously taken care of, he seems to be housetrained, and after some initial bouncy enthusiasm on leash settles into a nice walk. His tail wags as we walk, and when we stopped to take some pictures in the park he didn’t mind being...."  Read rest at link below.


1/30/16 New York City Animal Control Kill List for 1/31/16 as stated on social media

"TO BE KILLED - 1/30/2016

By Must Love Dogs - safe with meUpdated about a minute agoTaken in New York, New York
SOS NYC > ALL these beautiful dogs are to be killed UNLESS ✔RESERVED ✔Rescued ✔Fostered or ✔Adopted RIGHT NOW!!! YES, RIGHT NOW!! Reserve via the ACC site below, fill out applications with rescue's... Pledge, Tag, SHARE EACH & HELP them NOW... ** HURRY ** They are OUT OF TIME :(
>> ACC LINK > > http://www.nycacc.org/PublicAtRisk.htm

If you want to adopt and cannot go pick the dog up personally, please fill out applications with as many rescues as you can.

Get your applications in NOW & HERE >
https://www.facebook.com/notes/petnation-crossposting/rescue-applications-how-to-save-nyc-acc-dogs/935871676471980 "


1/30/16 According to post the killing of dogs has already begun at New York Animal Control. These dogs are owner surrenders, seniors, some are very well behaved and socailized and crave human companionship. Others were not cared for, not fed enough food. I do not have first hand knowledge of this but people who do post on social media. When dogs and cats want to live, what gives us the right to line them up and destroy them? They cannot defend themselves from their killers. I am sorry if people find that word offensive but what else can you call the forceful killing not euthanasia of an animal? This is done only because society allows it and accepts it. I can't imagine that the people who kill these animals are not haunted by what they do.


 Let's hope some of the animals posted in the previous two threads were saved last minute.
 Lining up animals to wait their turn to die is  what some kill shelters do.
 And why are some killed, because they came in okay to the shelter and couldn't deal with the environment or got ill. This is how we shelter  animals. Yes, some make it out and the shelter does try but what about the ones that don't? As a nation we must do better. My rant for today.
 All some of these dogs want is love and what they get from people is the needle.
 What is truly sad about this is many if not most of these animals who exhibit what is considered "not good " behaviour  like being freaked out at the shelter  can be totally different dogs outside that environment. This is a known phenomenon. They are condemned to die, not given a chance.

1/30/16 More Dogs Scheduled to Be Killed Today New York City Animal Control. Loving Senior Dogs Among Them.

"SOS NYC > ALL these beautiful dogs are to be killed UNLESS ✔RESERVED ✔Rescued ✔Fostered or ✔Adopted RIGHT NOW!!! YES, RIGHT NOW!! Reserve via the ACC site below, fill out applications with rescue's... Pledge, Tag, SHARE EACH & HELP them NOW... ** HURRY ** They are OUT OF TIME :(
>> ACC LINK > > http://www.nycacc.org/PublicAtRisk.htm "


1/30/16 Brookyln NY ACC. Is it too late for Columbus? Is this young dog Alive or Did they Kill him? See his tail wagging in the video while he clutches his toy. We Need ALL the love we can save in this world. Praying he was rescued. To kill this dog is a crime on the level of reality that matters."COLUMBUS is a heartbreaker."

"COLUMBUS is a heartbreaker. Not only do his eyes have such love, hope, vulnerability and sadness in their depths, but he is painfully thin with his ribs protruding,... clearly he has not had the best life so far – and he is just a baby at barely a year – maybe less! Found as a stray, he has had to fend for himself, not something a child should have to do. But look at him…he is so grateful for love, he lets the volunteers dress him up in a sweet tie – only adding to his adorableness further. And his tail – you must watch his video – it twirls in a circle, a whirligig of a thing that never stops when he is with his human friends. He adores people, and wants so much to please. He will even go along with a game of fetch, though he never retrieves the ball, he just runs back to your side for praise and treats. He was .."


1/7/16 Granville N.C. SPARE Virtual Shelter-Dandy the Cat ( DSH, Brown Tabby, Adult, 1-3 years old, Female) Been at Shelter over 3 months N.C. Owner Had No Time For Her.

"Dandy, IM0714-16, DSH, Brown Tabby, Adult, 1-3 years old, Female, Spayed (NCSU) 9/25/15, Felv/Fiv NEG. 9/25/15, 7.2 pounds, Surrendered with out paperwork, Do not have time for, Owner turn in, Intake Date: 9/18/15.
For 501c3 Rescue Assistance please contact gcspare@aol.com.
To become a GC SPARE Rescue Partner click Here:http://www.emailmeform.com/builder/form/wbc9DdarF48dl0HZ0i...
See More"



1/7/16 Shelter Euthanizes for SPACE!Code Red. Please Save This Dog's Life. Granville County Animal Shelter - Oxford , NC "Raleigh (Handsome Humble Dog) is in a full Shelter! - Granville County Animal Shelter, Oxford NC - "Tomorrow they will have to make some tough decisions and Raleigh is one of the long ti "mers." Urgent! "This guy is very humble, he is calm, and always waits patiently and quietly for his turn to run around in the yard. RALEIGH is very friendly and affectionate, and would like to be a lap dog."

  •  I know this is hard for the shelter (I don't  fault them- it is policy) but imo euthanizing for space is a very disturbing policy. A life is taken because there is no space. Think about what that means. It is truly and deeply an act of giving up on a precious life and letting people get away with dumping animals. Rip: Died because on this huge planet there is no space for a dog. Come on now. We must do better for these animals and REQUIRE accountability to the people who irresponsibly add to the problem. You tell a dog or cat, sorry we have to euthanize you,  you will stop breathing and die and we will make this happen because we have no space. How utterly low we have come as a society and as a world. Not just in terms  of respect for animal life but respect for all forms of life.

DOGS EUTHANIZED  (I think this is a different than the ones  to be euthed tomorrow if not rescued, not sure)WERE OWNER SURRENDERED. OWNER COULD NOT AFFORD DOGS.  DID THE SHELTER TRY TO HELP THE  OWNER?  I don't know the story at all about what happened here. In general  across the board  IS THIS ANOTHER REASON TO DESTROY A LIFE?  HERE IS MORE INFO ON THIS. OWNER SURRENDERS AT MANY SHELTERS ARE TRADITIONALLY THE ONES WHO GET KILLED FIRST. ANOTHER GREAT LIFE AFFIRMING POLICY. GOVERNMENT RUN SHELTERS CAN ALLOW OWNERS TO BE IRRESPONSIBLE AND  WALK AWAY AND MANY DOGS GET KILLED. These animals are not garbage or belongings no longer needed.  Euthing animals  who are healthy and adoptable and even those who aren't is okay because they can do it. It is allowed legally. The legislators in the state make these decisions if I am correct. It  is not okay. If you are upset by these policies help make change by getting involved in  the powers that be in your state or city.
 What is okay is to help owners keep animals. What is okay is to find a way to  run these shelters differently and educate the community. The gas chamber was once okay for animals and we all know it was never okay.

 Info on dogs killed. One dog saved.

"Pride ~ IM ~ Female, Mix Breed, 45 pounds SKINNY body score 2 out of 9. Owner surrendered – Cannot Afford, Intake 12/30/15. Came in with Feather, Al and Wrangler. Sadly Wrangler and Al were euthanized 1/6/16 because of new intakes - no space
GC-SPARE VOLUNTEER NOTES: Pride is very thin, She is really sweet dog and very smart, she knows “sit” and is treat motivated. Pride came from horrible living conditions and was not properly cared for. 
For 501c3 Rescue Assistance please contact gcspare@aol.com.
To become a GC SPARE Rescue Partner click Here:http://www.emailmeform.com/builder/form/wbc9DdarF48dl0HZ0i
To become a GC SPARE Foster click here:http://www.emailmeform.com/builder/form/r8c9671wL0Ino""

  • "*URGENT* The shelter is beyond full. Sadly 4 dogs were euthanized this morning for space and 5 more dogs came in today. Rescues, the Granville dogs need help!''

  • This is a crosspost 
    From: Granville County SPARE [mailto:gcspare@...]
    Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 12:11 AM
    Raleigh (Handsome Humble Dog) is in a full Shelter!
    - Granville County Animal Shelter, Oxford NC - GC SPARE 1/5/16
    Granville County Animal Shelter - Oxford , NC

    Meet Raleigh !
    Raleigh was picked up by Granville County Animal Control on 12/21/15 as a stray.  He is 1-3 years old, and had a 3/9 body score, and the tips of his ears were bleeding.  He is 38 pounds. 
    This guy is very humble, he is calm, and always waits patiently and quietly for his turn to run around in the yard.  Raleigh is very friendly and affectionate, and would like to be a lap dog.  
    There are only 7 other dogs available at the shelter right now and it is full.  The other dogs there are either legal cases or on mandatory hold.  Tomorrow they will have to make some tough decisions and Raleigh is one of the long timers.

    If you have room in your organization for Raleigh, please contact me at:
    gcpare@aol.com (at aol.com) as soon as possible. We can help with
    pulling, transportation, vetting arrangements and short term fosters if

    Thank you for all that you do!

    Jennifer VonIngelheim, Vice President / Rescue Coordinator

    Granville County SPARE Virtual Shelter

    Oxford, NC "