5/3/13 Adoptable Sweet Dogs and Cats WILL BE GASSED TO DEATH at Vance Cty AC Henderson N.C. Many Medically Treated Ready to Go to Rescue and Adopters. Transport up I-95. Come on We Can Save Innocent Dogs and Cats From Painful Gas Chamber Deaths or Are We as A Society So Degraded in Our Humanity We Can Stand By and Do Nothing? Help, Please, If You Can. Look at the Pictures of These Innocents and HELP. See VIDEOS!!

  This is a Crosspost

"Thu May 2, 2013 8:58 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Lisa B" rescue9999

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ann <savethepets1@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, May 2, 2013 at 11:34 PM
Subject: Sponsorship offered! Henderson, N.C.
 Lovely, sweet pets about to
be gassed!! Vance County AC needs help!

Diana  is offering sponsorship for these pets.
Diana.Horvat@perkinswill.com perkinswill.com

Thank you, Diana!

The volunteers at the Vance County Animal Control
 are desperately trying to
save these wonderful dogs and cats
 from the gas chamber. Please read the
message below and click on the deat
h row link to see the ones that are most
urgent. SO MANY beautiful pets!!

Kerri Kelly is the contact at VanceShelterresq@aol.com. aol.com

Thank you for forwarding to save them
 from a horrible death!

Ann Powderly

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <VanceShelterResq@aol.com>
Date: Wed, May 1, 2013 at 12:28 AM
Subject: Ann - we are praying you can help us
To: putney224@gmail.com

Hi Ann~
We are on our knees begging for help. The Vance
 shelter is well beyond
its *maximum
capacity* with both dogs & cats/kittens
. We must find rescue for them or
they will be killed as many continue to come
 in daily, and with the shelter
already being over capacity, it is an extremel
y urgent situation. Are you
able to save some this weekend?
 Our transport will leave Friday night at
10pm from NC heading up I-95 arriving in NJ
 Saturday morning the 4th.

Please take a look at our death row album &
 let me know who you tugs at
your heartstrings & that you could save.
 *Most have VIDEO links for you to
get a better feel of their personalities!*

**Death Row*:

**Medical treatment album* - They were treated
 for their illness and/or
injuries, and can be sent to rescue:

Hope to hear from you with good news. 
We are worried sick about getting
them out of the shelter alive. Paws crossed!

Kerri "

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