1/29/12 "Cat Miracle Workers Needed! MANY LIVES Need Saving by Noon Tues."

"Cat Miracle Workers Needed! MANY LIVES Need Saving by Noon Tues.
Just one of the many cats in desperate need of rescue - there are many others waiting who are not yet photographed. Please email Officer Harper dharper@barrowga.org BEFORE noon on Tuesday if you an help save the life of one. To obtain information for a particular animal, please email and attch the photo(s) of the cat.
Barrow County Animal Control
616 Barrow Park Dr.
Winder, GA 30680
OFFICE 770-307-3012
FAX 770-867-1660
Due to time constraints, contact is by email only please: dharper@barrowga.org.
From the Barrow Officers:
"All Applications and Rescues MUST have all paperwork into the Office no later than noon on the Tuesday before the scheduled PTS date. No other information will be accepted past that time or date. No other contact will be made until the Wednesday Afternoon, which will be done via email ONLY. There will be no guarantee that any animal will be here past any date, due to space restraints and the amount of animals received on a daily basis. If you or anyone is interested in any animal, please do not hesitate to place an application on the animal. Time is the enemy of our Shelter. The more time taken to consider an adoption or check multi emails on the same animal, the less time we have getting more animals out of our shelter to new and loving homes.
Please be considerate and realize that at most times it is 1 to 2 people answering emails; this takes time to read and respond to everyone. Phone calls are not returned due to time constraints; emailing is the only accepted means of communication at this time.
Please have all paperwork in order, which helps us handle each case swiftly and quickly.
Thank You
DHarper@barrowga.org - Senior Officer
MBurrerll@barrowga.org - Director
Out-of-state Rescues and All Adopters: please request an application from the shelter via email to dharper@barrowga.org. Include ID numbers of animals when available. Applications can also be requested from the Barrow Buddies site after shelter hours.
**Euthanization takes place on Wednesdays commencing at 8:00 AM. All animals should be considered at risk and the ability to hold anyone beyond their allotted time is predicated on allowable space at the shelter based on new intakes that come in daily. To save a life, do not delay, The shelter requests, that rescue commitments & adoption application requests be received by 12 noon on the Tuesday prior to the euth date.
It's RAINING Cats at Barrow - Rescue, Adopt, Network to Help by 1/31 The last several weeks, there have been not too many cats in need at the shelter & now they are SLAMMED with many. The last 2 days, they have filled up just about to capacity."

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