November 30, 2008 Bitsy, Bambi and Betty Jack Russell Terrier/ Beagle Mixes N.Carolina

Bitsy, Bambi and Betty were 3 victims of the horrible things people
are capable of. Yet~ Each one of them loves to give people kisses, go for
walks, and be petted!

Over a month ago, these three 5 month old puppies were thrown out
into the road like trash.

They had nothing but each other. Project Paws found them,
and took them in. They were terrified, and clearly had been hit
and abused.

Look at these faces and tell them they deserved to be hit by cars, starved,
kicked, hit and hurt... It took time, but we were able to socialize them, and
show them kindness. They NEED homes, or even a rescue where they can
be put in foster homes, given some obedience training,
and placed for adoption.

They are Jack Russel Terrier/ Beagle mixes.
They have alot of energy, and are very sweet playful puppies.
The foster home they are in now, is a home where they are safe, and fed.

However...Project Paws is extremely overloaded, and we are stretched
to the limit. We are a new rescue, who because of the serious population
problem in this area, are in over our heads. We have done the hard work
of socializing & getting them healthy, now we just need a home or
a rescue to give them the love, time & patience they deserve.
---They Do NOT have to go together!!! If a rescue can take ONE of them,
that is wonderful! Or if a family would like to adopt one of these beautiful
girls, they really are wonderful dogs! Young, Smart, and full of
energy to please!

--Bitsy, Bambi & Betty deserve better than this.
They have been overlooked at countless events, and despite their
crys & pleads for a home, people just pass them by.

-JRT/Beagle mix
-VERY SWEET! for more info/ arrangements.
-Heather Little(foster mom) 828-835-9981

Please don't be one more person to pass them by.

Tiffany Jourdain
Project Paws Inc
Animal Rescue

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