Nov 10 6 pm Iberia Parish Courthouse 4th floor- Help Create More Humane Animal Shelters in Louisiana 11/6/21 Is it True Adoptable Dogs and Cats Are Killed When There are Empty Cages ? Meeting In New Iberia About Direction City Will Take With Animal Shelter. Be There If You Live in New Iberia. Can you IMAGINE A Shelter Where Animals Are Not Seen as Statistics and The Director Actively Saves Lives

"animals lovers to go to the Iberia Parish Council meeting on Wednesday Nov 10 at 6 pm at Iberia Parish Courthouse 4th floor on Iberia Street. They will be making decisions about the Animal Shelter and the interium director who has been euthanizing dogs and cats even when the shelter is not full. He has also cut back on quality and quantity of food for them and no telling what else. You don't need to speak but I am asking you to be their voice by showing support to those who will be speaking. The council and Mr Richard (Parish pres) will ONLY LISTEN and ACT if they know enough of the people in Iberia Parish WANT CHANGE. These defenseless animals deserve better. PLEASE ATTEND ... 4 or 5 people won't get their attention but if we can get 50-100 people it will. The chambers and hallways need to be overflowing!!!"

 quote from concerned resident.

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