7/22/21 Can Be Euthanized any moment Due To Space. We are not talking about getting rid of shoes or clothes that don't fit into a closet or drawer or moving into a bigger apartment when there is no room for you family in the one you live in. We are talking about killing a living breathing animal ( many are happy and healthy)because they don't fit into the closet of the current shelter system. Do you know How insane this euthing for space is? Makes no sense. An Animal is not a pair of shoes. What this says about our world and society and culture is disturbing. "THE DEFINITION OF INSANITY IS DOING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AND GETTING THE SAME RESULT, BUT EXPECTING A DIFFERENT ONE." There are those who are trying to help these animals. Be one of those people. Children and animals are abused because they need our care. Is this how you treat the most vulnerable among us?

                                             Willie has the right to  his life


                                                    Ghost has a Right to His Life


                                             Nino has a Right  to His Life


                                              Patricia has a Right to Her Life


"Meet Patricia! She is such a sweet girl despite what you can tell from her appearance. She has obviously been used over and over and over for breeding and in the end, left in a kill shelter. How can anyone look into this sweet girls eyes and just leave her here to die? Sooo heartbreaking. Patricia can’t wait to find a loving home of her own where for once she can be spoiled and loved and not used for breeding and then her pups taken away from her." from description on IPAC site

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