1/26/20 " DOGS STILL STARVING AND DYING IN HORRIFIC AGADIR MOROCCAN POUND – HELP STOP THE CRUELTY" What Government Would Intentionally Starve Shelter Animals as a Way to Stop Pet Overpopulation and the Problems Associated With It? Heartbreaking Cruelty. Post this on Morroco Tourist Faceboook Page. Who Rounds Up the Dogs? The Sanitation Department. Read Article.

"Recently, Lady Freethinker reported about the atrocities occurring in Agadir, Morocco, where street dogs are being rounded up by sanitation officials and thrown into pounds without access to food or water. Out of desperation, the imprisoned dogs resort to eating one another to stay alive.
Unfortunately, the horrible situation these dogs face is not getting better.
Video footage, filmed by animal welfare activists Lucy Austin and Fanny Belle, shows visibly malnourished dogs ripping apart the corpses of their starved-to-death counterparts.
Additional footage, published by Morocco Animal Aid (MAA), reveals injured, famished dogs with bones almost protruding from their skin after being denied life’s basic necessities."


 Just when you think you've heard about the worst things humanity does to other people, animals, and the environment you read about  Morroco. Unimaginable cruelty against helpless animals. And whose fault is pet over population. PEOPLE'S.
Ignorance and lack of funds is no reason to starve animals.  People all over the world are willing to help these animals. Please let them.
 It seems this is happening in  many areas in Morroco. There
 are Animal Organizations in Morroco  aware of the stray street dogs and cruel  shelter practices whether in this one shelter or in others.
 Please support them if you can.

 Here are a few links. You can google more.





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