3/02/13 Nashville N.C. Needs Rescue Help and Adopters. Small Animal Shelter KILLS Many Dogs and Cats Who NO ONE COMES For in the Gas Chamber. How do they choose the cats and dogs WHO WILL DIE in the GAS CHAMBER? Do They Have A Choice or Is It Always About MONEY? Will an OLDER CAT or DOG SUFFER LESS IN THE GAS CHAMBER? This is WHAT IS ALLOWED TO BE DONE TO INNOCENT ANIMALS.

 I imagine the shelter does its best (it is the government that makes the how animals are euthed decisions, I believe) but it isn't okay to still use Gas Chambers. Read the words carefully. Let them sink into your mind. Innocent Dogs and Cats are placed in a GAS CHAMBER and the GAS is TURNED ON. Even dogs who attack people and are condemned to euth are often given an easier death by injection.  If this info is wrong, sorry but here is where I found it.

Would more rescues and adopter please help this small shelter? I do not know the recent euth statistics. I hope they are better.

3,055 pets ended up in this shelter in 2009
   246 were adopted or rescued     106 were reclaimed by owners
 2,664 euthanized - 87.2%
     222 homeless pets a month died
            1,580 cats & 1,084 dogs DIED

 Nash County Animal Shelter
 The Nash Co Animal Control Shelter is at 941 N. 1st Street., Nashville, North Carolina 27856
 (252) 459-9855
 Open for Adoptions Monday-Friday, 1-4 pm 
(am by appointment)

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