1/11/13 URGENT Pregnant Dog "The New Haven Conneticut Animal Shelter has a pregnant girl. The shelter is no place for her to have her pups and on top of it the shelter has kennel cough running through it right now. The AC Officer has asked to find a resuce to take Praline. 5 year old sweet pit mix."

''The New Haven Animal Shelter has a pregnant girl. The shelter is no place 
 for her to have her pups and on top of it the shelter has kennel 
cough running through it right now. Officer Johnson has asked 
me to find a resuce to take Praline. This is what she says about her:

"Praline "5 year old mix pit vet examined three weeks ago and said 
she was just fat and had a lot of litters....well her fatness has expanded
 to includes puppies again VERY soon. She appears to be very swee
t and has had no issues while at the shelter. She is short and should 
only weigh 40-45 lbs normally. I do not know how she is with cats, 
she does not react to the dogs passing her kennel but I do not know 
how she is outside with other dogs.
Help needed immediately, our dogs have kennel cough and pups will 
be exposed and vulnerable.
Contact Delette at 203-464-2457 or email poomeister@hotmail.com
 We would like to get her out this weekend if possible
 before she has her pups.
Delette Corwel
Rescue Coordinator
Friends of the New Haven Animal Shelter"

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