"Darla came is as a stray. She was with her running partner Rockwell. Darla is a wonderful older girl. She is sweet and great with other animals. Darla was spayed and fully vaccinated thanks to the No-Kill Mission. Unfortunately, Darla tested positive for heartworms. This is unfortunate because being a senior and heartworm positive in a FULL shelter is not a good thing. Funds are very low and there is no money to treat her. PLEASE help Darla!! Every dollar helps - no donation is too small. Make checks out to No-Kill Mission or use they paypal button on this link: www.shelbycohumanesociety.com/nokill.htm . "
September 24, 2009.Louie and Darla Need Out of Ky Shelter. SAVE LOUIE. SAVE LOUIE. SAVE DARLA. SAVE DARLA. What A Beautiful Cat. What A Sweet Dog.

Elizabethton Animal Shelter 253 Sycamore Shoals Rd Elizabethton, TN 37643 Phone: 423-547-6359
September 24, 2009 Back Online. Shelter Dogs Ky. ACO Does Not Want to Kill Anyone for Space. Heartbreaking Situation. Great Dogs!
"Please watch the montage of some of the animals we have looking for new homes or rescue. Steph did another fabulous job.
James Collins, Free Agent
This e-mail adress is used to support the Shelby County Animal Shelter and it's mission to make Shelby County a no kill county. You may always contact the shelter using the following information:
Shelby County Animal Shelter
266 Kentucky St.
Shelbyville, KY 40065
Phone: 502-633-0009
Fax: 502-647-9214
E-mail: animal.adopt@shelbycountykentucky.com
Save a life. Spay/Neuter you pets or adopt a forever friend today!!The Shelby County Animal Shelter and the Shelby County No Kill Mission areworking together with local vets and other animal groups to make Shelby County a No Kill County.To learn how you can help the "NO KILL MISSION,"click the link below
All donations are tax deductible. These fundsdirectly and immediately benefit only the animals at the Shelby County Animal Shelter."
September 17, 2009 Dogs and Cats Need You
September 14, 2009- Death Row Cats Georgia- Euth Date 9/15/09 9/17/09 Please Help These Cats
Pets are for life, not just for a season.
Each of us waits for the joy of a home.
Take one of us in and you'll never go kiss-less,
So long as you treat us as one of your own.
-Author Unknown
EUTHANASIA DATE: Tuesday September 15, 2009 and Thursday September 17, 2009
If you would like to adopt one of the animals below, please contact
newbeginningsanimalrescue@gmail.com or Jen at jen.ellis88@yahoo.com
The animals in this posting are on Death Row at Liberty County Animal Control, they have a week to find new homes or no kill rescues to save there life. We have personally interacted with each one of these cats. Our descriptions are straight forward! Our conscience would not allow us to hold anything back, and we would never give false information to save an animal,because it would only result in the animal being returned. You will never find vicious/dangerous animals on our listings! Usually, little or none is known about these animals' medical history. We do know that a majority of them were abandoned by military, which means they are most likely up-to-date on there shots, and generally healthy; however, we cannot guarantee that, which is why each cat must receive prompt veterinary care after adoption/rescue takes place.
Spaying or neutering by 6 months of age is a MUST!!! There is a low cost option for local adopters, just ask about our vouchers! You can also get more detailed information and pricing by visiting SNAC (Spay Neuter Alliance Clinic) at info@snac1.com or by calling 843-645-2500.
Your help with adopting,rescuing,or fostering these animals is immensely appreciated, as is your help with cross posting to others who may be able to help save a life.
Tay and Ruby!
Tay, little 2 months old male, creamy Orange Tabby
Ruby, about 9 months old, how much more precious can she get...
Joy, Dexter, and Gypsy!
Our little babies...
Joy, the little Tiger baby wants to have a home.
Dexter, the little Tuxedo Kitten with white socks.
Gypsy, Dexter's little twin has a tiny white stripe between the eyes.
Mittens the big Kitten needs you!
Mittens is about 9 month old and this little guy is such a lover! He has a very nice shiney coat and a very loud purrrr box! Please save his life!
Each week we go to Animal Control and each week there are new animals in desperate need of adoption or rescues to save there life because they only get until the following week before they are killed to make room for the next bunch to come in. It would break your heart after interacting with each of these precious lives to go back the following week and you ask about them only to find out that they were killed. We need good people to come forward and open their homes to one of these desperate little ones. If you can help in any way such as to transport, or to get the word out further or to contact people, then we can make this effort work and together WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
New Beginnings Animal Rescue
Please remember to Spay/Neuter your pet.
FACT - The number one cause of death in healthy animals in the US is euthanasia. Please adopt
September 13, 2009 Hinesville Georgia Dogs on Death Row."they have a week to find a new home" Some Left By Soldiers Going Overseas.
SPONSORSHIPS APPRECIATED EUTHANASIA DATE: Tuesday September 15, 2009 and Thursday September 17, 2009
If you would like to adopt one of the animals below, please contact newbeginningsanimalrescue@gmail.com or Jen at jen.ellis88@yahoo.com
The animals in this posting are on Death Row at Liberty County Animal Control, they have a week to find new homes or no kill rescues to save there life. We have personally interacted with each one of these animals. Our descriptions are straight forward! Our conscience would not allow us to hold anything back, and we would never give false information to save an animal,because it would only result in the animal being returned. You will never find vicious/dangerous animals on our listing! Usually, little or none is known about these animals' medical history. We do know that a majority of them were abandoned by military, which means they are most likely up-to-date on there shots,heart worm negative, and generally healthy; however, we cannot guarantee that, which is why each animal must receive prompt veterinary care after adoption/rescue takes place.
Spaying or neutering by 6 months of age is a MUST!!! There is a low cost option for local adopters, just ask about our vouchers! You can also get more detailed information and pricing by visiting SNAC (Spay Neuter Alliance Clinic) at info@snac1.com or by calling 843-645-2500.
Your help with adopting,rescuing,or fostering these animals is immensely appreciated, as is your help with cross posting to others who may be able to help save a life.

Maui, the Bullie mix! (URGENT!!!)
This is Maui. Maui is about 9 months old and she is a little Bully mix. White with tan spots she is very pretty. She is a little smaller about 30 pounds and I don't think she will get any taller and probably remain around the 30 pounds. She is good with other dogs as long as they are not all over her face. Maui's ears look like they will end up standing erect too! What a cutie she will grow to be - if given the chance! Please save her from lethal injection.

Maximus, the Black Labrador! (URGENT!!!)
Maximus, the Black Lab, is about 3 years old and has a very nice black coat. He was found by a couple who told us they were going to keep him but their kitty and him were not adjusting so well together, so the poor guy ended up o n death row. He seemed fine in the office of Animal Control around the loose cats, but he was very very scared at the time. He was someones family pet. You can easily tell by his kind and loving demeanor. He is also very used to being around other dogs and he is a hog when it comes to getting petted. He is very carefree when he is out in the field with others but he is getting depressed and his time is running out quickly. Somebody please save him. He is a great dog and very much so has the lab disposition. Maximus just cannot contain him self when you're in his pen. He is so happy to see you and touch you!

Cona, the Golden/Shephard mix! (URGENT!!!)
This is Cona. The officers think he is Golden Retriever and Shephard mix. He is about 1 year old. Cona is great with other dogs and loves attention from any human, no matter what size! He seems to be very well trained. He knows how to sit and walk on a leash, and he really understands the word "no!" Cona has the coat of a Shepherd with the black and tan markings and is incredibly soft. He needs a good home to go to. You have to meet this boy in person to see how handsome he really is and his sweet behaviour! One thing you also must know about Cona is that he is an escape artist. He will easily scan a chain link fence! Please save him!

Popcorn, the Boxer/Bull mix puppy!
I don't think I have to add much to Popcorn's pictures. He is a cuty pie for sure and I don't see how anyone can not go "AWE" when they look at him. The reason this little baby ended up with his name is because he loves eating popcorn. :-) He enjoys playing with other puppies and loves being held. His markings are beautiful and he appears to be around 8 weeks old. Don't let this one get away!

Mitzie, the Black Labrador mix puppy!
Mitzie is full of life and full of energy. She had a time playing with other puppies in the enclosure at Liberty County Animal Control. She was running and jumping and already begging for pettings. She is tiny at her 8 weeks (approx.) of age. She has a very pretty speckled chest like you often see on Pointers but it looks like her predominant breed is Black Lab.

Andy, the Black Labrador mix puppy!
Let's talk about Andy. Boy, Andy is a force to be reckoned with. hahaha Doesn't he just look as innocent as can be on his pictures?? Well, Andy is a ball of energy. He is after all the other dogs, playing rough and tough and never getting tired. He needs to go to a family with kids who can tire him out and who have parents who want to see their kids tired out, too. He is about 3 months old, as cute as a button, and can be cuddly, but playing is number 1 on Andy's list. :-)

Skeeter, the Beagle/Basset mix!
Skeeter has a unique look with his long body and short legs that resemble a Basset Hound, but a head that resembles a Beagle. Skeeter is approximately 2 years old - don't let the white around his muzzle fool you, it's certainly now a grey beard. :-) Skeeter gets a long splendidly with other dogs and enjoys human attention but does not like to be hugged by small kids. It kind of makes him growly though he does not act like he would do much more than that. He is very interested in his surroundings and has a very soft, shiny coat.

Pepper, the Catahoula mix puppy!
This is one of my very favorite boys this week. Pepper is about 6 months old. I am baffled by his personality... He is very shy, yet loves getting his tummy rubbed and definitely shows obvious signs that he wants to play. He is terrified of a leash, yet loves being held. I don't know if he was ever "owned" by anyone because in some ways he acts like he was always a stray but in others he seems to love human contact. Pepper came in with a sibling who has very obvious Catahoula markings and is being pulled by the Liberty Humane Shelter because he is not as frightened as Pepper. Many contradictions, I know, but one thing is for sure, if given a chance this little Prince will turn into a wonderful companion. Pepper needs someone who knows and understands dogs, has patience and lot's of love to give. Can you be that someone?

Ressee, the Hound/Bull mix puppy!
This little girl is so precious that it makes you wonder who could just give her up and go on with life like nothing ever happened. She is medium sized, about 35 pounds and appears to be no more than a year old. She looks squeaky clean with her bright white coat and lemon spots. She enjoys the company of kids and thrives around other dogs. She does not mind getting hugged though you can see by her pictures that she is a little unsure if hugging feels good or is supposed to hurt. Her eyes will melt any dog lovers heart. Please let it melt yours and save her life before it's too late.

Mandy, the Retriever/Beagle mix sweetheart!
Mandy is still a puppy, no more than a year old. She is a very pretty girl and only about 35 pounds. She should not grow much bigger. Her coat is very soft and silky and she has a dainty look to her face. I almost see Retriever in her but I'm not sure what all she is made up of. She is on the calm side and definitely prefers to be in the company of humans. You can see that she takes comfort in being touched and staying close by your side. She is a wonderful pet and would make any loving family happy to have her.

Fallon, the Schiperky mix!
Fallon is absolutely adorable!!! You just have to meet this little girl for yourself to appreciate the love, fun, and happiness she has to offer. Her ears are pricked, which give her a darling look. She only weighs about 30 pounds and since her paws are small, she should now grow much bigger. She appears to be only about 8 months old and her coat is charcoal black with not a speck of white. Fallon LOVES little kids. We had about 5 little kids on the field and several adults. Fallon chose the company of kids the whole time. She ran with them and chased them but when they wanted to pet her she rolled right over on her back and it was "rub my belly" time for this sweet girl. It would almost be a shame to send her to a home without children.

Dandy, Bullie mix lady!
Dandy is a very sweet and loving girl. She showed up at someones house and the family there would have kept her if it was not for their current dog who didn't like Dandy at all. Well, what's not to like? If you met her you would wonder, too. Dandy is so happy for every little pat she receives that it makes your heart hurt when you have to shut her back into her lonely, dark cell. She aims to please and is very good with other dogs. She has thousands of darling little spots all over her skin, showing through her short, white coat. Dandy is so desperate for attention that I have been thinking of her non-stop, worried about her getting depressed so all alone. Please save this sweet girls life. She would make you a hero in the true sense of the word. Dandy is about 2-3 years old and needs YOU!

Nicole, the white Shepherd!
Nicole is obviously very much out of place at Liberty County Animal Control. She is drop dead gorgeous to look at and you can tell that a facility like the one where she is being held as a death-row prisoner, is not her usual surroundings. She is scared of her cell and once you have taken her out you have to carry her back in. She will not fight you, as she is a very calm and docile young lady, but she is confused and afraid. She is good with other dogs and is great around humans but her fear and confusion do not allow her to show her true demeanor. Please take her out of this place quickly. It will not take much to have her fall into a deep depression. Nicole is about 2 years old.
New Beginnings Animal Rescue
Please remember to Spay/Neuter your pet.
FACT - The number one cause of death in healthy animals in the US is euthanasia. Please adopt
September 11, 2009 Cat Could Loose Life Because Owner is Ill. I Hate the words TIME UP. .

NAME: Paula
ANIMAL ID: 8373417
SEX: female
HEALTH: appears healthy
ADDITIONAL INFO: owner surrendered because of health of owner- spayed came with all paperwork
UPDATE: time up
What gives any of us the right to say to this healthy cat your time is up. What shelters should be saying is This cat is YOUR responsibility and until we have room YOU MUST KEEP YOUR PET. Why don't shelters have the guts to do this?
How is it people have the guts to kill so many healthy animals and not have the guts to tell owners to stop dumping pets off where most of them have no chance of adoption or rescue.
Look at all the cats whose time is up. People and shelters can stop the killing!
September 10, 2009 So Many Shelters Are Overflowing WIth Cats and Dogs. KY Shelter Needs Donations For Animals. Bliss Needs A home.
Here is little Bliss at the Grayson Shelter. These people are angels. They take great care of the pets in their care and are in need of help. Each day more and more animals are dumped at the shelter.
Please call the shelter if you are interested in Bliss and look at all the cats and dogs in need at Grayson.
Donations are needed for food and vetting.
"You can help us help our animals by joining:"
September 10, 2009 "Please everyone this girl(dog) needs our help. Look at what someone did to her"

Dr Norm Griggs at Shepherd Springs Animal Hosp. 4815 A Coastal Hwy
New Beginnings Animal Rescue
Please remember to Spay/Neuter your pet.
September 10. 2009 Bentley Who Loves Kids is Scheduled TO BE GASSED OHIO
Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 8:54 am Post subject: YOUR CHANCE TO OWN A "BENTLEY" CARROLL COUNTY OH | |
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URGENT BENTLEY #14 3 years old and already neutered! Born Dec. 2. 2005. Good with kids. Nice dog, walks well on a leash. Available for a limited time from the Carroll County Dog Pound, 2185 Kensington Rd. NE, Route 9, Carrollton, Ohio 44615 BENTLEY IS A GOOD BOY BUT HIS TIME WILL BE UP FRIDAY AND HE WILL BE GASSED. PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN RESCUE OR ADOPT! The Carroll County Dog Pound is located in N.E. Ohio, just S.E. of the Akron/Canton area on SR 9 (2185 Kennsington Road NE) in Carrollton, OH 44615. Ph: 330-627-4244. Pound hours are Mon. - Fri. 7-3. Rescues are limited from pulling until 9 to 3 Mon.-Thur. Please also visit the Carroll Co. Dog Pound Pet Finder site at: http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/OH302.html All dogs who are not on stray holds (stray hold policy is 3 days) are considered urgent are subject to be euthanized on Fridays at 9 if not adopted or rescued. The pound does not have the manpower or facilities to hold dogs over. This pound is rescue friendly otherwise. All dogs are available on a first come/first serve basis. Pull fees are $16.00 which includes a 5-way DHLPP vacc. a Carroll Co. Dog License which will be mailed to you. Those wishing to sponsor pull fees, vetting, gas for transporting, leashes, collars, more can do so by paypal: Phill702@verizon.net |