2/25/13 "'Nancy ★ CRITICAL at GASSING SHELTER Available 2/26 Tues 1:30pm. Sweet Loving Adult Female Hound/? mix ~ est. 2 yrs," Nash County Animal Control Shelter pets. Nashville North Carolina

''Nancy ★ CRITICAL Available 2/26 Tues 1:30pm
Adult Female Hound/? mix ~ est. 2 yrs, 20#, 14" to the shoulder ~ 1 of 18 photos

 Our Facebook page is about Nash County Animal Control Shelter pets, trying to SAVE them from DEATH by ANY method and Nash County Animal Friends' activities."

Your Sponsorship Can Help Save NANCY - Fundraiser Profile - YouCaring.com

 "The reality is that the Nash County Animal Shelter is EXTREMELY small.  Only 16 dog kennels and only a few cat cages.  Sad to say, they still also use the gas chamber.  Currently 39% of the pets are PTS by humane injection, including babies under 4 months and pregnant animals.    We wish for it to be 100% but more than that, we don't want any adoptable animal killed by any method."


Anonymous said...

Is she still available?

Anonymous said...

Is she still available?

Elizabeth said...

I don't know. She looks so sweet.
Contact the shelter or the Friends of the Nash County Animal Shelter N.C. They have a page on Facebook that is public so you can see it if you aren't a FB person.
Contact number and e-mail from Facebook ABOUT

Phone (252) 459-9855
Email NCAF-Inquiry@hotmail.com