3/21/21 Pandemic Dogs Being returned to Shelters Vermillion Parish Lousiana These Animals Are Being Surrendered. Need Adopters, Fosters, Rescues. Dogs and Cats Who Had Homes are Confused. As Humans Can't We Do Better? See Video From Louisiana Television Station KATC in the Area and Please Help.


3/21/2021 URGENT DOGS- Don't Let Hugo the Dog Die. Please Save a Life Arcadia Animal Control Louisiana Could Be Euthed When Vet Comes. It is Sad How Many Animals Are Not Given a Chance Hugo Needs Someone To Give Him A Chance Read About Him and Others at Urgent

 Urgent Pets of Louisiana - Home | Facebook

Urgent Pets of Louisiana - Home | Facebook

march 21 2021 Bonded Pair of Dogs Vermilion Parish Rabies Animal Control Rescues and adopters Needed So They Won't Be Euthanized

 Vermilion Parish Rabies Animal Control - Home | Facebook